Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Christmas cookies and more

This is your friendly PSA! Run do not walk to you local GFS. You're asking why would I go there . Well upon asking friends and duh,  google, I found sugar cookies that are already pre cut in Christmas shapes . That's right friends these cookies only need popped in the oven to bake. Then they will be ready to decorate with your kids. I have tried buying the dough and using cookie cutters but they just never turn out right. Plus I am saving so much time and energy ya'll!! I can't believe I am just now discovering this!! I am super pumped to bake cookies Saturday with Mere and Max ! I told nick that's what I wanted to do for my birthday .... make cookies and ornaments in the } ! Oh and maybe have a coffee from Starbucks (hint hint Nick)! Then probably the hardest request I have for a gift from nick and the kids are good moods all weekend!! Hmm buying a gift may be easier ! What do ya'll think ?!

Does any one else have dreams of a slowed down Christmas season? One where you aren't running all over creation for this and that ? One where you can enjoy your kids more and not feel so stressed out ? It sounds like a Christmas miracle haha. But I am trying to be more intentional during the coming days leading up until Christmas . I don't want to lose my cool 10 times a day and yell at my kids constantly. I really do this when I am feeling stressed and overwhelmed . So to cut down on this my goal was to have all of my Christmas shopping done by my birthday . This is a yearly goal. Most of the time I come close. This year I will have it all done except getting a gift card and trying to still find the hubby a Nintendo Nes along with everyone else who wants one ! I still need to wrap . I have plans of doing this in spurts . Wrap a few here and there . I also want to make ornaments with the kiddos so instead of running to a crowded Hobby Lobby or Michaels I ordered my supplies from Amazon ! Time saved! No driving in the horrid traffic to Florence or Newport. I know I am behind the times when it comes to clickList from Kroger where you can order you groceries online and schedule a pick up time. I think Christmas week sounds like the perfect time to test this baby out. I have already made my list. Just waiting to schedule since it is over a week out. The last thing I want to do after working all week next week is spend hours at the grocery. No thanks! Problem solved.

I mean talk about the perfect way to grocery shop!!

So tell me what are some of your ways to make this time less stressful and put more cheer in your eggnog ?

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