Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Couple's Halloween Costume Ideas

Is anyone else besides the kiddos planning on dressing up for Halloween? On Friday we are dressing up for game night! I have been on the lookout for some fun and cute ideas. I haven't dressed up in a long time and am excited to do so.  I keep showing Nick my ideas and all he says is whatever I want. Ok but can I get a little bit of help here lol. I think I had it narrowed down to these two but finally picked a winner. Nick's part is super easy. Already have it. Mine I need to run to hobby lobby and get a few things and get started. I don't have to much time to make it. Good thing I am off tomorrow! Nothing like waiting until the day before lol. 

What is your vote? Or any other good ideas??

Monday, October 24, 2016

Max turns 4!

How is it that today my baby boy is 4?! Wasn't it just yesterday that I was getting hooked up to my IV's and epidural and being wheeled back for my C-section? Because it sure feels like it. At 3pm on October 24th little (well not so little weighing in at over 8 lbs with the biggest kissable cheeks) Maxwell Louis was born. His actual due date was Halloween October 31st. But since I was a scheduled C-section I had to choose a date a week before. I chose October 24th since it was one of my dad's best friend's (Melanie T.) birthday's. Plus it would put me off on maternity leave through Christmas. Hey a girls gotta plan ahead!! We were scheduled to have Max at noon. Wouldn't you know my doctor was late and stuck in traffic. Didn't he know I was starving and ready to get this show on the road?? Nick that it was funny and just laughed since I am notorious for always being late! So Max made his entrance at 3p!

He has grown into the sweetest little boy and I am so lucky to be his momma (and I love hearing him say momma in his sweet little voice)! Of course, he is rotten and occasionally referred to as Dennis the Menace. The blonde hair and sneaky smirk doesn't help his case. He loves playing with cars (and also smashing said cars. He has been known to sneak Nick's sledge hammer and go to town on them or placing them under my wheels of my car so when I back out of the drive way they will be smashed to smithereens). I wish time would stand still and he would stop growing. I ask him all the time if he will stay my baby. He replies "but momma I am a big boy" :( Ok buddy if you insist. This blonde hair blue eyed boy has had all our hearts since day 1. Happy Birthday Maxie!!

Friday, October 21, 2016


I have been sort of quiet over on this block! This week has been busy and stressful starting from last Friday. Last Friday and Saturday was so crazy, hectic, and emotional that I didn't even eat until dinner time (now if I could do that every day maybe I could be a little skinnier lol). The kids and I headed home to Augusta Friday evening just in time for the start of my grandmother's estate auction. I was surprised at the number of people there on a Friday evening, but I guess I shouldn't have been. My grandmother had some really nice antiques. Friday's sale was odds and ends. I was able to get a few things I wanted. Meredith had her eye on a few things so we bid on them as well. Someone was nice enough to bring my brother an old tool box that they had bought at my grandfather's auction of all his tools over 20 yrs ago. It had my grandfather's name on it. I know Nate was thrilled to have it.

Saturday was going to be even more emotional with the sale of my grandparent's house that they have lived in since 1988. It is the only house I remember them living in so that is where all my memories of Easter's, Thanksgivings, Christmas where my dad would fall asleep on her living room floor amid all the chaos of opening presents, Sunday's after mass watching cartoons while my grandpa cooked the best tasting bacon ever, and after schools spent doing homework at their kitchen table and playing and practicing my backflips in their huge side yard. I woke up sick to my stomach. I think it might have been my nerves (or maybe the beer from the night before ...hmm). I made myself go for a walk along the river. By the time I got back I felt a little better. Then mom, the kids, and myself headed to the auction. There was more odds and ends, pictures, paintings, mirrors, tons of furniture and then the house. It was a gorgeous day. It started a little chilly but by 1p when it was time to auction the house the sun was shining and it was really warm for an October day. I would not expect anything else though. Anytime we have something planned for outside something inside makes me believe we will have great weather. I just feel that my dad might be up high telling the Big Guy "hey we need picture perfect weather because my family has important things going on today". Without fail each time it is a beautiful day! Or hey maybe I am crazy... probably debatable. :) I walked thru the house one more time prior to it being auctioned off. The house already had a different smell then the one of which I was use to when I would walk through her door. Gone was the warm blackberry cake smell! The house stood completely empty! It was such a surreal feeling walking room to room one last time. I hope the next owners have as many happy memories as we did... I have a feeling though that they will!! It was bought by someone to flip and sale again. I know someone who has said they have wanted that house since they were 10 yrs old! Weirder things have happened!! After the auction my siblings, mom, and all the kids headed to the corner cafĂ© for some comfort food.

The weekend was way more emotional than I imagined. I think it was for all my aunts and cousins as well as a chapter ended. But where all chapters end a new one begins!

Friday, October 14, 2016

Max's 4th bday party prep

My baby boy is going to be 4 in a few weeks....cue the tears! I don't want him to get older. I want him to stay my baby boy forever! Since that isn't going to happen, I might as well get some enjoyment out of birthday party planning!! On our way home from Disney in August I was trying to come up with a party theme. I love doing a Halloween theme since his birthday is only a week from Halloween (his actual due date was Oct. 31st. But since I had a scheduled C-section we couldn't deliver on that date). Anyway, it hit me! Let's plan a Mickey Mouse Halloween Party!! PERFECT!! I am still Disney hungover lol. So what better way to incorporate a little Disney in a party, right?! Last year we had his party at a pumpkin patch and are doing it again this year. But I found a spot that is way more affordable on the ole budget. For only $25 we are able to rent a spot and take advantage of some fall and Halloween fun! (I can't wait to share all about it once we have the party). Oh and the best part, my house doesn't get turned into a disaster . Here are some of my party ideas that I have put together!!

cookie inspiration

Does anyone else love planning birthday parties as much as I do?  I swear it's in my blood!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Weekend past happenings

It's already Wednesday and halfway to this weekend! Whoop whoop! It feels like it should be Friday already!! But before this weekend arrives I thought I would share our weekend past! But first how cute are Meredith's 3rd grade pictures?! I know I say this over and over but I cannot believe how fast time has gone. It feels like I was just looking at her kindergarten pictures. She seriously is the cutest! Well until that 8 yr old going on 16 yr old attitude jumps right out of her!!

Friday we met up with some friends at the Kentucky Wool Fest in Falmouth. The kids loved the farm animals and momma loved the food! Lots and lots of yummy food. There were also several tents full of crafts. I could have come home with a ton of cool items but my hubby is handy and crafty. He is going to try to make some things for me.

Saturday we were back at the soccer field for Meredith's game. Mere's godmother and my bestie came up to watch her play. Their team is still undefeated and Mere had 2 goals. After the game we let the soccer star pick a place to eat lunch! I was not surprised when she choose Skyline. Her and Max's favorite place to eat is Skyline. That evening we decided to go to church and sleep in on Sunday. Weekends are so busy and I need to do a better job of making it to mass. This summer we got side tracked and my goal is to make it a weekly occurrence. I can hear my dad in my head saying "you better get your behind to mass". Although, I don't feel the need to tag my self in church to prove to others how good of a person I am. Because let's be real. lol. I am far from it. I just chuckle to myself (and maybe text Leann each Sunday....but I will never tell!) when I see some people who want so badly to be perceived as this all holy Christian person. You gotta do better than that. Just because you go to church each Sunday does not make you holier than thou. Maybe they are trying to prove to themselves they are a good person and to others that really know their true colors. Whatever their reasons more power to them. I know I am a work in progress. On another note, the kids and I are super excited for Nick. A few months ago, he made the decision to go to RCIA class and become Catholic. I cannot tell you how excited this makes me for our little family. I feel so blessed that Nick made this decision for our family. I know how proud my dad and grandmothers would be as well. My grandma Darnell would always tell me in my early 20's how she prayed that I would find a nice Catholic boy! Of course she loved Nick regardless of him not being Catholic but this is just icing on the cake. Saturday evening the kids had a surprise for me. They made me stay upstairs while they put it together. They planned a movie night all decked with a little movie bar (blankets, movies to choose from, popcorn, drinks, and a little basket for phones to go in). We had to have a vote on which movie to watch. Charlotte's Web won in a tie breaker!!

Sunday the Ladies Auxiliary put together a shop and sip event as a fundraiser! The proceeds went to a wonderful cause. There were so many different  booths to shop from. I was excited to score a fire wreath and bracelets for Mere and I. We then went and visited a dear friend and her baby boy. The kids love babies (and so does momma!!). We loved getting sweet baby snuggles from Gage and of course, seeing my friend Jenn. She just moved into a beautiful new home not far from me. I am thrilled to have a friend close by and need to make an effort to be a better friend. I get so focused on what is in front of me with the kids, keeping the house running, work, and running, running, running , that I have become a bad friend. I miss just hanging out with friends! That is another goal I plan to work on. The rest of Sunday was spent trying to relax and get ready for the upcoming week. Sunday's I always sit down and write down our weekly schedule to hang on the fridge. I still carry my planner as well wherever I go. Those are my attempts to remain sane!

Oh and I may not wear any pants that have buttons or zippers this fall/winter!! Seriously a Lula Roe addict! These leggings are AHHH-MAZING!