Thursday, September 6, 2018

Blogging Break + Back to School

SOOOOO..... It feels like ages that I have graced this space. I have always loved to write. I was that weirdo that was excited when I got assigned a big paper to write in high school or college. I love the research of a paper and then putting all my thoughts down. Blogging has given me a creative outlet that I don't get with my full time job. Plus I love to share !:) Anyway, can you believe summer came and went? We had a great summer. The kiddos went back to school already. My little Max started kindergarten. His favorite thing is riding the school bus. Here are a few pics from back to school!

Momma was sad to send my youngest but I quickly got over it with a much deserved facial at Woodhouse Spa. Ya'll that place is AMAZING!!

Can't wait to start getting back on a regular posting schedule on this little space! I am happy to get back to a routine plus starting my carb cycle back. I took a 3 month break and lord have mercy I can tell!! Have a great rest of your week!!

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