Monday, October 1, 2018

Summer Bucket list Recap

Good Lord, it is October 1st!! Y’all the days are just flying by. I have no idea where Sept went . We have been so busy with school and soccer. I have each and every day planned out to the minute to create as little stress in this hectic season of life that I think it’s just passing before my eyes! To keep things fun I love planning things to do as a family. With each new season I love creating a bucket listof these plans . It is a fun way to make a plan of activities I know we will want to do. It also hold me accountable to get them accomplished. I know I won't check every activity off our list but it sure is fun trying. Our  Fall Bucket List is made but thought I would recap our summer list!

I was super sad that we didn't go to the beach or a big vacation this summer. But it makes me happy looking back at all our pictures. We really did have a great summer.

Meredith started the summer with a soccer tournament Memorial Day weekend and also played in the Bluegrass games in Lexington in August. Both tournaments her team came out winners! We love watching these girls play. We made a weekend of it in Lexington and stayed in a hotel. The kids had a blast.

We went to the zoo several times. We have zoo passes so it makes easy to spend an hour or two each visit.

We went to see Jurassic World and The Winnie the Pooh movie.

Meredith went to Camp Webb so the night before she left we took the kids to Smale Park. It is our favorite park to visit.

We made squirt gun art, did rock art, and made tie dye shirts.

Had a family movie night in our living room!

We picked blueberries and made a yummy dessert.

We went to a Reds game and watched fireworks.

Went to a parade.

Went to a lake and went fishing.

The kids did a soccer camp.

and went swimming multiple times in our back yard ( yay for baby pools lol) and at swim clubs.

Nick and I took a kid free trip to Charleston that was AMAZING!

 We also did a Mud Run.

We planted .our first garden

ate lots of ice cream and other treats!

And we finished out our summer with spending the night in Augusta for the annual Frog Derby!

Love making these memories to look back on for years to come!! Now let's bring on fall, y'all!!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Blogging Break + Back to School

SOOOOO..... It feels like ages that I have graced this space. I have always loved to write. I was that weirdo that was excited when I got assigned a big paper to write in high school or college. I love the research of a paper and then putting all my thoughts down. Blogging has given me a creative outlet that I don't get with my full time job. Plus I love to share !:) Anyway, can you believe summer came and went? We had a great summer. The kiddos went back to school already. My little Max started kindergarten. His favorite thing is riding the school bus. Here are a few pics from back to school!

Momma was sad to send my youngest but I quickly got over it with a much deserved facial at Woodhouse Spa. Ya'll that place is AMAZING!!

Can't wait to start getting back on a regular posting schedule on this little space! I am happy to get back to a routine plus starting my carb cycle back. I took a 3 month break and lord have mercy I can tell!! Have a great rest of your week!!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Blueberry Picking

Ya'll where has Summer gone? I can't believe we are already 20 days into July! It is flying right by. I feel like there isn't enough hours in the day or enough free weekends do check off all our fun things on our Summer Bucket list. Does summer end when school starts back? Or should I be taking advantage of those weekends too? Mere leaves for Camp Webb Monday. It will be the first time she has done something like this. I am not going to lie, makes me nervous.....a lot. But I know she will have tons of fun. The following weekend we will be spending in Lexington with Mere's soccer team at the Bluegrass games. I have lots planned for the 2 days we are there. Lexington has the best shopping! Then a few weeks later school starts....yikes! I still want to do a tent camping trip, go canoeing, a family bike ride in Loveland, an FC Cincinnati game, the zoo, and Smale Park! But we were able to knock off Blueberry Picking a couple weeks ago. . I found a farm on Facebook , Bright Star Acres , and the kids and I went on a Saturday morning during my vacation week.  We arrived around 9:30 and it was already a scorcher out. The farm was gorgeous with amazing views of rolling green countryside . It was a quick 20 minute drive from our house. We all had a great time just doing something simple and inexpensive.

I took to Pinterest to try to find a yummy recipe to use our blueberries . I am not much of a baker. Just not something I usually enjoy. But this recipe was simple and turned out delish. I may or may not have ate almost half myself 🤦‍♀️😂!! I found the recipe Here.

Easy Blueberry Dump Cake 

  • 1 20-oz can crushed pineapple, drained
  • 6 cups blueberries, fresh or frozen
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup chopped pecans or walnuts, optional (we left this out since Mere has a nut allergy)
  • 2 Tbsp flour
  • 1 16-oz yellow cake mix
  • 1/2 cup butter, melted