Wednesday, April 5, 2017

A little thought {rant} on Wednesday

Happy hump day ya'll! Does anyone else feel like it should be at least Thursday lol! After my long day yesterday I just thought I would share some feelings and maybe rant a little. So stop here if you are looking for something else haha. Some days I have no idea how I figure it all out and hold it all together !! Days when Nick is at the firehouse are extra stressful! Unless you are buried deep in the trenches of a fire family people have no clue. Yesterday for example, was the the downhill slide of a 48 hour shift for Nick! Sometimes I think I can balance it all but most often than not I am just holding it together by a thread! Maybe it would be better if I wasn't also a holding down a full time job ! But since cutting hours are not in my near future then these  are the days I need to get accustomed to. Throw in the fact I don't have family near me to hand off the kids or help me at the drop of a hat makes it just me! ME! No one else. Here is a little glimpse inside my crazy! Yesterday I was up at 5:30 and busted out a quick workout (because Lord knows it was the only time I could figure out to do it), shower and get ready for work, get kids up and ready for school and out the door at 6:50. That's a late day! Yesterday I was lucky and got to take them to school but only because I am working 5 days this maybe not so lucky. Then push the kids into their classrooms and make a mad dash to the hospital and run to the time clock to clock in not a minute late (every . Single. Day . Running to the time clock! ). Work an 8 hour shift and instead of sitting for 30 minutes on my lunch break , I walk for 30 minutes ! If I want to fit in exercise I have to make the time even if it's skipping my lunch. That's what my 15 min afternoon break is for!! So clock out at 3:30 and make another mad dash back to school and pick up kids . Meredith has tutoring on Tuesdays at 4:30. So she had 30 minutes to change her clothes (for soccer practice )and eat a snack ! Max and I dropped her back off and we went to krogers ! Then picked her back up at 5:30 and took her to the soccer field! While she practiced Max and I ran home . I fed him and gave him a bath, did a load of laundry and ran the vacuum. I decided I better shower because it was probably the only time I would have a chance ! It helps me de-stress a little bit. I made dinner for Meredith so it would be ready when she got home from practice and we picked her up at 7. Thank god she finished her homework in aftercare because after she ate and showered we had to study for Religion and Science tests ! She can't wait until the night before tests to study so we have to do days in advance ! Y'all tired yet ? I sure am! Finally put them to bed between 8-8:30 and I crash as well! So when someone tells me "well other people with kids figure it out" this is why they make me want to scream !! Like literally scream!!  This is why I need a little flexibility and not to be told well other mom's figure it out ! Well I wonder if their husband is a fireman who isn't home like a normal 9-5 . Or I wonder if they are a single mom who is raising her kids by herself. It isn't a one size fits all for motherhood . We all need a little grace . I can't be the best mom or best anything possible when I am stressing out how I am supposed to get from point A to point B on days where I am playing this gig by myself! Ok now I feel better!! Lol!! Until I have to get ready for another marathon morning !! Don't even ask how my mornings are when Nick is at firehouse and I can't drop my kids off at school! I end up mad every morning !! But hey it's almost summertime !! Just look at my pretty tree blooming!

Which means it's almost time for vacation to my favorite place on earth!
Oh Charleston, I can't wait to smell that bluff mud!

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